The Kannur MP said that the incident was deeply concerning and it raised serious questions about the safety and security of passengers travelling on trains in our country. He demanded an immediate and thorough inquiry and demanded that the culprits responsible should be brought to justice swiftly.
Shahrookh Saifi, the accused, allegedly set on fire a co-passenger on Alappuzha-Kannur Executive Express by pouring an inflammable liquid at around 9:45 pm on Sunday
Kerala Train Fire: Kerala Police has released a sketch of the man who allegedly set on fire a co-passenger on Alappuzha-Kannur Executive Express by pouring an inflammable liquid at around 9:45 pm on Sunday
The Railway police conducted a search for the accused at a government district hospital in Kannur, according to officials. The search was done on the basis of a report that a person resembling the sketch of the accused released by police had sought treatment in the hospital on Sunday night.