Soon after his speech in Bhimavaram, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday met the family of Pasala Krishna Murthy who was a respected freedom fighter from Andhra Pradesh.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that the new India should be an India of the dreams of fighters who gave their lives for the freedom of the country.
West Godavari: Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a 30-feet tall statue of the freedom fighter Alluri Sitarama Raju in Bhimavaram on Monday. The Prime Minister paid tributes to the freedom fighter on his 125th birth anniversary celebrations. Speaking on the occasion, PM Modi said the revolutionary freedom fighter Alluri Sitarama Raju symbolises the spirit of Ek Bharat
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that the new India should be an India of the dreams of fighters who gave their lives for the freedom of the country.