Released last year, Kannada’s film “777 Charlie” was an instant hit that propelled the industry to new heights. In a very curious and heartfelt development, the film has recently won two awards at the Chittara Star Awards. Out of the two, one award was bagged by Charlie the Labrador. Charlie won the award for ‘Best Performer’, with a performance that stole the hearts of the
Celebrations galore as fan favourite Crazy Star Ravichandran rings in his birthday! Fans and close friends have flooded social media platforms with heartfelt wishes for the multitalented actor, who is known for his prowess as an actor, producer, director, music director, and lyricist.
In an interview to TNM, Kannada actor Chetan Kumar, popularly known as Chetan Ahimsa, speaks about his OCI cancellation and what steps he will be taking next.