Marc Daniels, who's been building and restoring traditional skin-on-frame sea kayaks for decades, is leading a nigilax̂ build in Northern California, along with KUCB’s Kanesia McGlashan-Price who is apprenticing and documenting the process.
On Friday, Oct. 21, the Anchorage Unangax̂ Dancers took the stage for the very last performance of Quyana Nights, a highly-awaited celebration of traditional dance hosted by AFN. Unangax̂ dancer and drummer, Dustin Unignax̂ Newman, composed the newest song for the Anchorage dance group.
Private George Fox was the only Unangax soldier killed fighting in World War II and any war since. But for nearly 80 years, he rested in an unmarked grave in Unalaska … until May 30th.Fox was finally honored for his sacrifice in a special Memorial Day celebration.
For nearly 80 years, a small American flag placed by an old friend was the only thing that stood above the tundra, marking the plot of Army Pvt. George Fox in Unalaska’s cemetery.But on Monday, that all changed when the decorated fallen veteran’s resting place was finally recognized.Fox is the only known Unangax̂ soldier killed fighting in World War II and any war since, and for decades he was buried in an unmarked grave. This Memorial Day, he was finally honored with a gravestone in a long-awaited burial ceremony, which drew crowds from across the state and Lower 48 to the remote Aleutian community.