Selfawareness or accountability, and that is quite an accomplishment for a politician. Hillary plucks out page after page on her old typewriter like her fingers were a couple of tickling sticks, and the giggles never cease. She could butter the worlds toast with all the blame shes spreading, and the usual suspects get a smattering, Bernie Sanders who caused her so much angst. She writes about him. It was beyond frustrating that bernieed acted as if he had a monopoly on political purrty as opposed to hrc. Quite a contrast. She also saved some spice key venom for the New York Times, writing the times, as usual, played an outsized role in shaping coverage of my emails throughout the election. To me, the papers approach felt schizophrenic. Well, someone whens in that much need of therapy might know a thing or two about diagnosing mental illness. And the most comical line comes from a fictional glimpse into Election Night as she clearly imagines a false scenario of her and bill alone in bed
Myopia that has almost no selfawareness or accountability, and that is quite an accomplishment for a politician. Hillary plucks out page after page on her old typewriter like her fingers were a couple of tickling sticks, and the giggles never cease. She could butter the worlds toast with all the blame shes spreading, and the usual suspects get a smattering, Bernie Sanders who caused her so much angst. She writes about him. It was beyond frustrating that bernieed acted as if he had a monopoly on political purrty as opposed to hrc. Quite a contrast. She also saved some spice key venom for the New York Times, writing the times, as usual, played an outsized role in shaping coverage of my emails throughout the election. To me, the papers approach felt schizophrenic. Well, someone whens in that much need of therapy might know a thing or two about diagnosing mental illness. And the most comical line comes from a fictional glimpse into Election Night as she clearly imagines a false scenario of