The Daily Vox
The #BeTheDrivingForce campaign is in full swing! The Daily Vox in partnership with Youth Capital launched the special series called #BeTheDrivingForce to inspire young people to tackle their challenges using digital activism.
This week’s session on climate action was highly anticipated and the WhatsApp group had received a great number of interesting questions in the days leading up to Wednesday. Fatima Moosa (The Daily Vox) and Kananelo Khoetsa (Youth Capital Influencer) spoke to climate activists Celiwe Shambu and Courtney Morgan.
Celiwe Shivambu is an International Relations Honours Student at Wits. She is a Youth and Climate Change Activist, her interests are policy making, advocacy and diplomacy. As the focal point for the Climate Change YPC Working group at Youth@SAIIA, she facilitates youth engagement with national climate policies and serves as a representative to the We Are Tomorrow Global Partnership.