born in mesopotamia, goes to egypt, and comes back. the story is trying to connect him, i think, to the entire ark of the region. it s a story that s shared by about half the world. abraham s path will eventually wind through ten countries. our next stop is in the biblical land of kanaan, in what is now israel and the west bank. my guide on this part of abraham s path is abnar goran, an israeli archeologist. if somebody is thinking for getting back to roots, coming back to being in touch with god, the visit is always the place. it s almost kind of shocking to me that these immense stories that more than, you know, 2 billion, 3 billion people believe in, christian, jew, muslim, there s not a rock that connects them. you re an archeologist. doesn t that sort of trouble you? of course, i would love to have much more concrete remains
joseph attracted the attention of the pharaohs because of his talent in interpreting dreams. in fact, he even interpreted the pharaohs dreams. and just as they are today, dreams were incredibly important to ancient egyptians, as well. we know that because of the sphinx, and between his paws are known as the dream stealer. it recounts a pharaoh s dream that he had a divine right to rule. it indicates something else that s important, as well. the writer or whoever it was that composed the joseph story knew of egypt in the 7th through 4th century b.c. even clues about joseph s famous many-colored coat can be seen in these carvings. you see people coming from kanaan as traders. and the egyptians obviously were fascinated by them because their clothing, which reminds us of the coat of many colors in the joseph story, were painted with
arabs today trace their lineage right back to abraham through ishmael. every year, millions of christians make their pilgrimage to the place where they believe abraham made his home. mecca in saudi arabia. here, muslims also believe abraham came to visit ishmael and together they built ishmael s first house and they built the first house of worship. the bible doesn t mention mecca. instead, it tells us abraham finally found a permanent home in kanaan. he and sarah had settled into their old age, perhaps at last enjoying some measure of tranquility after all they had endured. then, unexpected visitors appeared and changed their lives again. abraham looks up. he sees three men. he greets them, he welcomes them. sarah hurries to make them a meal. hospitality is quintessential. in nomadic cultures,
in kanaan. he and sarah had settled into their old age, perhaps at last enjoying some measure of tranquility after all they had endured. then, unexpected visitors appeared and changed their lives again. abraham looks up. he sees three men. he greets them, he welcomes them. sarah hurries to make them a meal. hospitality is quintessential. in nomadic cultures, travelers in these barren landscapes could never have survived without the kindness of strangers. when you re out wandering into a new village and you meet someone and they offer you a cup of coffee or tea, those are the moments that define abraham for me. thank you. what do we have here? i m christiane. very nice to meet you. abner goran brought me to one
obeying god s call, abraham quickly left behind the trappings of city life and set off with his family on a journey toward the promised land of kanaan. it s a decision to leave everything that s familiar to you. i mean, it s letting go of everything and embracing the unknown. it s life-changing. here in southern turkey near herron, we met anna and david landis, an american couple raised christian, they re writing a guide book that will allow people of all faiths to follow the same path that abraham took. i think there s something always powerful about going to a place from the bible, from the stories you heard as a child. i think that makes the whole story feel more real. abraham took this journey 4,000 years ago. and now we re just dusting off his footsteps and inviting people to experience that story today.