Thus, if PAS keeps silent on the foul mouth of one of its leaders disparaging the dignity of Chinese in Malaysia, the party is guilty of dishonouring Malaysia’s history, the Rukun Negara and the adab or mannerism of Islam itself as taught by the Prophet Muhammad.
Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi,
IT IS either a brilliant move or a foolish one by President Joko Widodo or Jokowi. Naming the new capital of Indonesia, Nusantara, surprised almost everyone. Nusantara is a concept accepted by many as a geographical entity that belongs to the Malay diaspora in South-East Asia. In Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, Nusantara as defined by Kamus Dewan is “Kepulauan Melayu” or “gugusan pulau-pulau Melayu” (literally the isles of the Malays).
IT IS a monumental endeavour - the biggest lexicographical project the country has ever known. It took more than 30 years, starting in 1990, to complete.
NOVEMBER 3 Ah yes, the Budget announcement or “event likely to raise my blood pressure” just happened. For my mental health I refused to watch it “live” as a group of clowns dragging their nails on a chalkboard would probably be less torturous. It is nearing the end of 2021.