In a plea against the Madhya Pradesh High Court s order directing the Archaeological Survey of India to conduct a survey at the Bhojshala Temple cum Kamal Maula Mosque complex, the Supreme Court (on.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. For Hindus, the Bhojshala Complex is a temple dedicated to Goddess Vagdevi (Saraswati), while for Muslims, it is the site of the Kamal Maula mosque. According to an arrangement in 2003, Hindus perform puja at the complex on every Tuesday from sunrise to sunset while Muslims offer namaz on every Friday from 1 pm to 3 pm. India News | ASI Continues Survey at Bhojshala Complex in Madhya Pradesh's Dhar for 8th Day.
The security has been stepped up in view of the Friday prayers to be offered by the Muslim community members at the site, a police official said. Members of the ASI team reached the controversial complex around 6 am, carrying gadgets, bags and files with them.