Indian market surged for the third straight session on Thursday amid positive global cues. Sensex closed 460 points higher at 58,926 and Nifty rose 142 points to end at 17,605.
Indian market surged for the third straight session on Thursday amid positive global cues. Sensex closed 460 points higher at 58,926 and Nifty rose 142 points to end at 17,605.
Indian market surged for the third straight session on Thursday amid positive global cues. Sensex closed 460 points higher at 58,926 and Nifty rose 142 points to end at 17,605.
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited at its meeting held today has approved the issuance of Listed Rated Unsecured Redeemable Taxable Non-Convertible Debentures of Rs. 200 Crores on private placement ba