The master of the Kremlin is biding his time to put NATO in its place – time that may never come as he needs months or years in Ukraine still. However, it is probable that Putin will be followed by another Putin as the demand is there in Russia. NATO must therefore waste no time reinforcing its entire eastern flank, from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, Kalev Stoicescu writes.
The endless horror that started in Russia in 2020 may have reached the phase of its horrible end. The question is not just of Vladimir Putin's mental and physical health but the condition of his regime and country that has deteriorated visibly, Kalev Stoicescu writes.
The end of the Cold War heralding the "end of history" likely contributed to the conviction that the democratic West was done with wars at home, that any new wars would be fought somewhere far away and, while bothersome, would not affect us directly, historian Peeter Kaasik writes.
Ukraine halting Russia's invasion on a given line, Putin declaring 'victory', or the 'liberation' of territories and the partition of Ukraine going ahead, this time with out a new Yalta agreement. There are many possible outcomes to the current war, but unfortunately, the division of Ukraine is very likely, security expert Kalev Stoicescu writes.