Kalashtami, an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Kaal Bhairav, holds immense religious significance for Hindus. This sacred day occurs every month on the Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha. This year, Kalashtami Vrat will be observed on May 30, 2024, during the month of Jyestha, which is also considered a highly auspicious time for various puja rituals.
Sawan Kalashtami 2023: Kalashtami is an auspicious day that falls on the 8th day of the waning phase of the moon, i.e., on Krishna Paksha. Dedicated to Lord Bhairav, Kalashtami falls on July 9 2023, at the beginning of the Sawan season.
Sawan Kalashtami 2023: Kalashtami is an auspicious day that falls on the 8th day of the waning phase of the moon, i.e., on Krishna Paksha. Dedicated to Lord Bhairav, Kalashtami falls on July 9 2023, at the beginning of the Sawan season.
Tomorrow is Kalashthami Vrat. On this day which happens to fall on the eighth day of Krishna Paksha of every month devotees worship Baba Kaal Bhairav, who is an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Find out the mahurat, puja vidhi on this day and why is this day so significant for Hindus. , Spirituality News, Times Now