Southwest Michigan Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative (SWMPQIC) and Cradle Kalamazoo were two of five Michigan community-based groups that received the grants.
Daylight Savings Time has been the bane of my existence since I learned what it was. The idea of pushing our clocks an hour back or an hour forward twice a year is asinine to me, even if it is to remain on the sun's natural clock.
A year after the City of Kalamazoo installed new bike lanes downtown, locals are frustrated by plans to pilot test new bike lanes in the Winchell neighborhood.
It’s from a radio interview in Vancouver Canada and around the one-minute 39-second mark while Nirvana and Courtney Love are eating pizza in the dressing room. She asks him if the pizza tastes bad and that it reminds her of the terrible pizza they apparently had in Kalamazoo.