guess it s probably something i could say that i m very good at. our framework includes our explicit commitment that tax reform will protect low income and middle income households, not the wealthy and well connected. there s plenty in here for the wealthy and well connected. it eliminates the estate tax. most americans will get tax cuts. this is just a blueprint omitting some critical details that the tax writing committee will fill in. that could take months or longer. for business, fax cuts, the corporate rate slashed to 20%. individuals, a simpler kaks code. the everyoseven brackets we hav collapsed to three. we don t know the income ranges yet but cuts the top rate to 35%. it also allows lawmakers to add
to score that cuts to medicare. there is a faith-based quality mitt romney tax plan. if you believe that he cares about deficit reduction which we hear ad nauseam, and you look at what you just described as his tax plan, it is not about deficit reduction. it is about moving around a kaks code to benefit. not that you and i care about but they claim that s what they want to do. everybody stay right here. we are not going away p there is more on this. i need to do a quick reminder because i m excited. tomorrow i will be hosting a special edition of this show. it will be a student town hall as part of in s education summit. that s tomorrow, sunday, 10:00 mafshgs eastera.m. eastern.