Mumbai: The popularity of animated content around the world isn't new. However, in India, the animated shows or movies are still considered as mere cartoons, inspite of the growing viewership of anime among the youth. In an effort to break this misconception, Inspire Films has recently collaborated with Lotpot Comics to produce live action series of popular characters like
Yash Patnaik is a popular producer who has produced many TV shows and has also been making a mark on OTT platforms. TellyChakkar recently interacted with Yash Patnaik and spoke to him about his new venture, being called the ‘man of sequels’ and more… |
Leading Indian production house Inspire Films has collaborated with Lotpot Comics to produce live action series of popular characters like Motu Patlu, Sheikh Chilli, Sampat Champat, Kaka Shree and Natkhat Neetu for television as well as OTT. After su