through a lot, they get no credit. nobody even talks about them. they re like forgotten. what i think he should do is it apologize not families and those who have served. i m sure the republicans are enjoy mr. trump s current dominance of their primary. anything that makes them look less crazy. do you think that your current president, president castro, will come visit the united states? i m sure, but i don t know when. and president obama visiting cuba? let me say that president obama will be really welcome in havana city. i was waiting for it to come at me as i was swimming. i was like, ah! did you get a couple punches in? i punched in the back. i turned around slammed both hands at the counter, then pointed at the child and said this has got to stop! oh, and then the mother screamed at me because i was yelling at her child. you know what, lady, you should have taken the kid outside. i can t wait to see kaitlyn
when it s thousands and thousands of comments after comments just pouring in of people hating, like i get death threats. i can t wait to see kaitlyn cry like a little [ expletive ]. she s a dirt aey dirty [ bleep ] who treats people like [ bleep ]. i mean, that was a mother who said that to me. well, i ll tell you this, i will take you as a role model for my kids over anybody who would be a cyberbully and spew that kind of hate. this is the scene you don t see. reporter: when i visited the set, i asked about some of those intimate details now under scrutiny. it s going to be weird romancing more than one guy? weird would be a good word. reporter: weird s a good word. weird s a good word. one of the great things that the show does is it pushes social dilemmas and social issues. if it sparks debate, how bad can that be? reporter: the social media firestorm strong but in less than a week the only words that will matter for this bachelorette, i do. juju chang, abc n
bachelorette show. i thought you were saying no, not us. the trials and tribulations of that reality show. you know. this season it seems to be taking it to a new level. attacks against the bachelorette online. she s coping with the cyberbullies. we re up up all nightline with juju chang with the answer. reporter: it was that steamy moment with nick early on in the season and outside the fantasy suite that brought out the thorns. i never want this to end. i know. reporter: now some fans expressing outrage online as what they see as less than ladylike sexual conduct by the bachelorette. host chris harrison reading aloud some of the most explicit messages about kaitlin bristowe. i m going to read these as they were received by kaitlyn. kaitlyn you need to unspread your whore legs and shut your [ expletive ] filthy diseased mouth and [ expletive ] off.