LIVERMORE — The comment period for Livermore Airport’s first comprehensive development policy closed on April 24, but a Tri-Valley community group continues to voice concerns that the new policy might
LIVERMORE â Objections to a possible expansion of the Livermore Municipal Airport (LVK) have surfaced, with rumblings of discontent present at city council meetings throughout the Tri-Valley. A new group has formed to oppose it.
Since the Livermore Airport Commission approved KaiserAirâs development plans on Feb. 8, Pleasanton resident Kamal Aggarwal teamed up with an advocacy group of Tri-Valley residents calling itself Say No to Livermore Airport Expansion. KaiserAir would add Boeing 737s to the LVK runway.
While David Decoteau, the former airport manager, stated that KaiserAir estimates two aircraft would conduct two landings and two takeoffs per week, Aggarwal s group cites concerns that once the expansion is built, it will not be legally possible to place a cap on the number of flights. Several public speakers have dialed into public meetings at city councils around the Tri-Valley to voice dismay over the noise impact.