Three months back Kacha Badam singer Bhuban Badyakar was struggling to sustain a family of ten from his humble income from selling peanuts. Last week a music company handed him a cheque of Rs 1.5 lakh as royalty for his earthy tune.
Kacha Badam singer Bhuban Badyakar sings his viral song at Kolkata s 5-star hotel - Talent can take you places, and the Kacha Badam singer Bhuban Badyakar proved it again. Read on.
Viral! Kacha Badam singer Bhuban Badyakar receives Rs 3 lakh from company that remixed his song - When the song first went viral on the internet, netizens raised concerns as the peanut seller Bhuban Badyakar didn t get due credit.
Meet Kacha Badam singer Bhuban Badyakar who became social sensation by selling peanuts - Meet, Bhuban Badyakar, a skilled peanut seller from West Bengal, who has created the song Kacha Badam as a marketing tool for his business.