School field on cpac, so i feel i would bring that perspective. Thank you again for your consideration. Okay. Have you ever attended cpac or do you know what they do . Yes, im currently attending cpac and im currently a member . What would you like to see get done during your term . I mean, currently right now, cpac focuses a lot of their attention on the ece field and Budget Priorities around there. I would like to see after school be brought up during those sessions and maybe Budget Priorities around the after School Sector as well. I dont hear that a lot so thats something that i would like to see. Okay. And thank you. Deepa, how long have you been serving . I started in the middle, so i think it was about a year and a half. Okay. I didnt do the full two year because i took over for someone else. Someone elses term, so a year and a half . Yes. Okay, thank you. Thank you, any other questions . Seeing none, any Public Comments . Come on up. Hi, erica. Good afternoon, supervisors, my n
Live in the hub of innovation across the globe here in San Francisco and in many ways for many year, San Francisco as a City Government has been behind of adopting that innovation, were doing a ton of work on it, we have a long ways to go, open data is but a part of that in a way to have an impact, i think the impact can be real within our City Government, but i think what youre speaking to is a broader topic of how we use technology to apply to our City Government and our daytoday jobs as supervisors or people within different departments. And i would say i would want us to head in a direction when putting together this overall policy and one that would make us more efficient and one that will mating it easier to cross lines in various city departments and im really excited about this to tonight, really looking forward to the impacts of what happens with this, so i appreciate you taking the leadership and bringing it forward to us, thank you. Thanks maybe somebody out there whos liste