Even as Ukrainian forces desperately try to make some sort of gains amid their so-called “counteroffensive,” which so far looks like an utter disaster for Kiev, Russian troops continue to methodically eliminate whatever is being thrown at them.
mines that have disabled a western supplied tank. another weapon that the russians are using very effectively is the alligator, the ka 52 attack helicopter, so given all of these factors, how successful could this counteroffensive actually be? actually be? they bring in forces, actually be? they bring in forces. to actually be? they bring in forces, to take actually be? they bring in forces, to take all - actually be? they bring in forces, to take all the - forces, to take all the occupied territories including crimea. i do not think that will happen anytime soon s. what ukraine does have in its favour is some very powerful western supplied weaponry, such as the storm shadow long range missile that is applied, and these are allowing ukraine to hit distant targets, to undermine russia s differences from within, but the problem here is that all of this takes time, and that s a luxury ukraine does not have. within three months, the rainy season will have arrived, telling a lot of th
British military intelligence has cited the long-range LMUR missiles used by Russia’s Ka-52M attack helicopters as a major factor challenging the counteroffensive operations of Ukraine’s NATO-armed armies. What exactly is the LMUR? What are its capabilities? Who makes them? And what did UK intelligence get wrong about them? Sputnik explains.