to use the judicial system as being a fan of one side or the other. i agree with the guests, this was an appropriate decision maced on the law. i don t believe it was a tech any k589. what they indicated, they can t show that the intelligence that was on the server causely related to deaths. secondary, government officials, myself included when i was one, are protected by a doctrine called immunity, you just can t sue government officials in civil cases, the follow si, sde spite how bad what they did is we don t want government officials afraid to make decisions of the court balances that interest. this doesn t come near a slander case. i feel bad for these two women who lost their sons, they re decent people. but as a lawyer if they came before me, i would have respectfully said your lawsuit will no go nowhere. in the court of public opinion it means something but not a court of law. molly: thank you, bob, rebecca, appreciate you joining us today. thank you. nch thank you.