Estonia's ambassador to NATO Jüri Luik (Isamaa) has said former Danish foreign minister Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, who died on Sunday, was "a great friend" of Estonia's and worked to keep the Baltic countries on the international agenda as they fought to regain their independence.
Finland and Sweden's NATO accession is stuck behind opposition from Turkey. Even though President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is dead-set on opposing the countries joining NATO, Estonian Ambassador to NATO Jüri Luik believes the accession protocols will soon be approved.
NATO countries and the West as a whole have shown unprecedented levels of unity over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Estonian ambassador to NATO Jüri Luik says, considering there are 30 member states in the alliance, all with their own special economic and political interests.
An understanding that NATO's eastern flank needs to be strengthened is gaining support among allies, the Ministry of Defense has said. Estonia's ambassador to NATO believes permanent air defenses are required.
NATO presence in the Baltics must be permanent, a goal that is already being worked toward. Much will depend, however, on how Russia's attack on Ukraine ends, Permanent Representative of Estonia to NATO Jüri Luik said in an interview with ERR.