Criticism of the Ministry of Finance's summer economic forecast, issued near the end of August, by an independent body tasked with monitoring progress on fiscal policy, has puzzled one senior Reform Party MP, who says including government decisions in the forecast before they had been made would effectively require the work of a clairvoyant.
MP Jürgen Ligi (Reform), who is currently a member of the supervisory board of the Bank of Estonia, said that once Andres Sutt's authority as a member of the central bank's supervisory board is restored, then whether or not he himself would want to remain a member is not decisive.
The annual Opinion Festival (Arvamusfest) in Paide ended Saturday evening in traditional fashion, with the leaders of the five parties represented at the Riigikogu taking part in a panel discussion dominated by the issue of the Narva tank monument.
Isamaa and the Social Democrats, who are in coalition talks with the Reform Party, want to turn the country around by promising free things and compensation, and the cost of a potential new coalition agreement runs into the hundreds of millions of euros, said Jürgen Ligi, a veteran politician from the Reform Party.
An Internal Security Service (ISS) investigation into opposition MP Kert Kingo (EKRE) over suspicions of the misuse of expenses benefits has raised conflict of interest questions, given the MP heads a Riigikogu committee which oversees the ISS, daily Postimees reports.