In a tragic incident, Tirupati youth Jyothi Kumar Yadav died of heart-attack due to shock while watching the Cricket World Cup Final match on Sunday night. He reportedly suffered cardiac arrest and succumbed to it. Jyothi Kumar worked as a software engineer in Bangalore. He came to his home in Durgasamudram village in Tirupati rural mandal. According to reports, Jyothi Kumar
Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], January 19 (ANI/PRNewswire): For the past twelve years, LabourNet has nurtured over 1 million livelihoods across the country
Refusal to ply (RTP) by taxi drivers has become a major problem in the city with thousands of citizens being left to fend for themselves. “I feel like a beggar asking one cabbie after another to take me to Flora Fountain from CST daily,” said a citizen Jyothi Kumar
Railway Minister points to 400 % increase in seven years
Union Minister for Railways Piyush Goyal has said the Central government in its budget allocated nearly ₹4,000 crore for the railway works in Karnataka and that is four times more than what was allocated for the State in 2014.
He addressed people of Shivamogga through a video-link in a programme to lay the foundation stone for construction of three Road overbridges (RoBs) on Monday.
Mr. Piyush Goyal said in 2014, the State had got works worth only ₹1,000 crore. The funds had gone up by 400 per cent in seven years. The Railway Ministry had taken up the suburban railway project in Bengaluru as a joint venture with the State government. Bengaluru city deserved better transport facility. The suburban project should be completed on a mission mode, Mr. Goyal said.