admit. but i watched ittbate and therel a lot of strongot and sensibleoi voices on both sides. i don t see any voices on the other side. people are so intimidated being called pro putin. even those of us who has zeron interest in putin of russia could care only care aboutg the united states. why don t weunit do what you juy saidou a very clear explanation for what this will cost, how itd benefits us , why we would doel this like what the hell are you even talking about? i think right now there s a lot of verya cold and calculating people in our political apparatus right now that they know that war and this desire for us to bee on the right side. this narrative is very compelling and very powerful for americansns allows them to distract from all of the other failings the country in a bad way right now. it was in a bad way before everything that happened in ukraine and the easiest thing to do is to saber rattle and to let this expansion continue towards war as opposed to addressing the r