As Hurricane Larry lashed Newfoundland in 2021, university students from Halifax headed to a rural area in its track to find out whether the ocean might whip microplastics up into the atmosphere then transport them by air to otherwise pristine communities.
The pack ice in northern Spitsbergen the largest island in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard is home to curious polar bears and unearthly landscapes, best accessed by an intrepid cruise.
The continued expansion of plastic production could lead to global warming that far outstrips the current 1.5°C limit agreed on by nations in 2015, leading to the worst impacts of climate change, according to research published today.
The continued expansion of plastic production could lead to global warming that far outstrips the current 1.5°C limit agreed on by nations in 2015, leading to the worst impacts of climate change, according to research published today.
College of Biological Science ecologist Dr. Shoshanah Jacobs explored how discarded personal protective equipment (PPE) from the pandemic, like disposable masks…