The Playhouse on Park production of "The Revolutionists" in 2019. The playhouse has planned a busy summer, with a staging of the drama "Kill Move Paradise," about violence against Black men, in Bushnell Park in June and a new Connecticut Shakespeare Festival (featuring "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and the Sondheim musical "into the Woods") in July and August at Auer Farm in Bloomfield.
A new bridleway is to be created to complete the missing link between Helston and Porthleven thanks to a grant of of more than £32,000. The route from Porthleven into Penrose is popular with residents, who currently use Shrubberies Hill lane to access the estate at Penrose Hill. However, the South Kerrier Alliance, which is behind the project, said the lane is narrow with high hedges and no footpath with frequent traffic making it a difficult and dangerous route. It is said that creating the new route will enable safe access and, importantly, complete the missing part of a direct bridleway link between Helston and this part of Porthleven, benefitting walkers, cyclists and horse riders.
December 15th, 2020
Oakland, Calif. – The Oakland A’s have announced their 2021 player development department and minor league coaching staffs, including the promotion of
Bobby Crosby to manager of the Midland RockHounds, and the promotion of
Adam Rosales to manager of the Arizona A’s.
Ed Sprague enters his sixth season with the A’s and his second season as Director of Player Development. The former infielder’s time with the A’s also includes stints as the assistant director of player development and coordinator of on-field analytics, coordinator of instruction, and roving instructor.
Keith Lieppman begins his 51st season with Oakland and his second as Special Advisor to Player Development after transitioning to the role in 2020.
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Athletics Announce Player Development Staff for 2021 Oakland, Calif. – The Oakland A’s have announced their 2021 player development department and minor league coaching staffs, including the promotion of Bobby Crosby to manager of the Midland RockHounds, and the promotion of Adam Rosales to manager of the Arizona A’s. Ed
Athletics Announce Player Development Staff for 2021
Oakland, Calif. – The Oakland A’s have announced their 2021 player development department and minor league coaching staffs, including the promotion of
Bobby Crosby to manager of the Midland RockHounds, and the promotion of
Adam Rosales to manager of the Arizona A’s.
Ed Sprague enters his sixth season with the A’s and his second season as Director of Player Development. The former infielder’s time with the A’s also includes stints as the assistant director of player development and coordinator of on-field analytics, coordinator of