these objects were and why we shot them down. just a week after letting a obvious chinese spy balloon fly, flyall acro all across amet i mean, justin trudeau gavee of that to the people of canadadowo last week when an american aircraft down one of these objects over canada. surely, surely justin trudeau is not a more decisive and stronger leader than americann amer president .whichi i hope that s not the world inno which we re living. the president needs to comeo th forward on camera speaking directly to the american people ,stop sending out mouthpiecessoe and anonymous sources. time w ithe reminds me of the time when ronald reagan spoke to the american people just days after soviet russia shot downso shot a korean airlines flight. s flit george h.w. bush spoke to the american people a couple of days after saddam hussein invaded kuwait. in these kind of moments, the american people deservehesem to hear from the president, nots from mouthpieces.erve t from th president an or press sec
every one of these decisions. a. oh, yeah. i m sure he s deeply engaged. yeah, it was justin trudeau who says he gave the ordere of to take out one of the objects t over the weekend. prime m yeah, the canadian prime minister is now apparently ordering our f twenty two isarod around.. son duringe was bide all of this? doing well, we know he wasn t doinghe the traditional pre game super bowl interview with the network hosting the game. fox . but did you have time fortimf this? yoor tu the thing i like about working with governors, you to get things done like jim griffin, the president, u g okay, that oks okay.y. all right.all ri so i guess now mollie hemingway, editor in chief of the federalist, and ariboth arex fleischer, former white house press secretary, both are fox news contributor s. here molly, what s going on here? i mean, they send out kirby, who s a disaster. p wh they send out kyp, who triestr her bestie. they send out ned price,does who doesn t come across as alln