on sunday when you had president biden, he went to the southern border for the first time during his during his entire tour of el paso, he did not see any migrants at all. and if you look at the numbers, we have had in 2022 the better part of 2.5 plus million encounters at the southern border. our cameras have been down there every single day and every single day we have seen dozens, sometimes hundreds, sometimes thousands of migrants cross the rio grande on a daily basis. the president didn t see any of those migrants. did not meet with any of those migrants. you can see the leaders are now kind of up on a balcony about to make their way down. what this whole conference is primarily about is the crisis at the southern border. they are talking about some trades, some kind of, you know, semiconductor business with chips and so forth as they walk down to the microphones. but this has primarily been about the crisis of the southern border how these three countries appear and wil
sometimes without running water and then to makeat the humiliationerand complete, police collected household pets, tore them from their owners handsolhe and beat them tocl death in the streets, claiming the dogs and cats somehow spread disease. anyone who complained aboutho this got a very clear answer from the government, which was broadcast at full volume from drone circling overhead. they said quoteth controlso your soul sul desire for freedo. so people did they had no . ice that sn what life is like in an authoritarian society and not just in chinaaus, also in new-w zealand. less than a year ago, the leftin wing new zealand governmentnt shut down the entire country over a single covid case. don t talk to your neighbors, commanded the prime minister. keep too yo your bubbles quotey in neighboring australia they did pretty much the same thing. police in australiay po beat a man for daring to have a cigaret outside his own apartment. now that may all seem horrifying to you,
Tufts university, retired four Star Navy Admiral james stavridis. Admiral stavridis, well go to you. This weekend certainly if you care about americas place in the world had to be one of the most concerning certainly ill just say the most depressing in Donald Trumps year and a half in office. I must say that at least for me my worst expectations were actually met this weekend at the g7 meetings. Whats the impact on america and the world . I share your concern. And, you know, if youre getting ready in a schoolyard to face a bully, which is kim jongun, you would think you would want to kind of gather your friends around you. Here was a perfect setup. Walk into a summit meeting with the largest economies in the world, all u. S. Allies. Why not come out of that with a strong sense of community to go face this awful dictator in singapore . So it fails the pragmatic test. And, joe, even worse, kind of the tail end of the whole thing, he goes after nato as a former supreme allied commander. I
agreeing to some of these deals that they have worked through over the past couple of three days, including semiconductors, supply chain issues, and, of course, they will move onto the border issues facing both canada and the united states. the southern border being a crisis in itself and the president talked earlier about the fact that these people have they get along. they have a shared vision. they always haven t been on the same page there has been a little bit of acrimony, in fact, between presidents biden and mexican president lopez obrador and, in fact, canadian prime minister justin trudeau as well. the president said he saw the border with his own eyes and as we mentioned at the beginning of this, one of the problems there is when he saw it with his own eyes he didn t actually see what was happening down there. there were no migrants crossing. there were no migrants that he came in contact with and he did not meet any migrants and there was some criticism from both sides of
canada will be asking questions to [inaudible] thank you, prime minister. a question for you and for president biden as well. president biden, you have talked a lot about economic cooperation and building continental supply chains and resilience here. but, since you ve been president, canadians have seen what they consider to be protectionist u.s. protectionism from you such as the thing buy american act. what assurances can you give the canadians and mexicans watching this at home that it they will be equal partners in the economic opportunity you re talking about in this transition and not have to confront further attempts at american protectionism? president lopez obrador, if you have anything to say on that we would love to hear it and prime minister trudeau if you can answer the haiti question but also explain what steps your government needs to take to take advantage of this opportunity on