Four years after actor Alyssa Milano sent her viral tweet asking those who d been harassed or assaulted to share stories or just reply "Me too," following the stunning revelations about mogul Harvey Weinstein, most Americans think the movement has inspired more people to speak out about misconduct, according to a new poll.
NEW YORK (AP) — To Charlotte Bennett, the new book that arrived at her Manhattan apartment this week — Anita Hill’s “Believing” — was more than just a look at
NEW YORK (AP) To Charlotte Bennett, the new book that arrived at her Manhattan apartment this week Anita Hill’s “Believing” was more than just a look at
NEW YORK (AP) — To Charlotte Bennett, the new book that arrived at her Manhattan apartment this week — Anita Hill’s “Believing” — was more than just a look at
The #MeToo reckoning hits its four-year mark this week, and Charlotte Bennett credits the movement for creating the conditions that emboldened her to come forward with her story of sexual harassment by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo