India on Thursday witnessed unprecedented outrage after a video showing two women of the Kuki-Zomi community of Manipur being paraded naked by a mob led by men in violence-hit Manipur surfaced on social media Wednesday.
The Supreme Court has referred the challenge to the Centre s Services Ordinance by the Delhi government to a constitutional bench, which will include five judges. The decision was made when a bench comprising Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and Justices P S Narasimha heard the case. On May 19, the Centre promulgated the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Ordinance, 2023.
Hitting out at the government, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh said the prime minister had broken his silence on Manipur but it was 'too little too late'
Hearing the interlinked issues of the Delhi ordinance on bureaucrats and the appointment of the chief of the city's power regulator, the Supreme Court referred the ordinance question to a Constitution Bench and decided to make the appointment itself.