Sindh Caretaker Chief Minister Justice Maqbool Baqar has paid tribute to security personnel who valiantly laid down their lives while fighting terrorists who attacked the Karachi Police Office on.
Sindh caretaker chief minister Justice Maqbool Baqar on Thursday went to the polling station established at the Government Boys Secondary School No. 2 in Block 6 of PECHS to cast his vote for the.
Sindh caretaker chief minister Justice Maqbool Baqar has decided to issue letters conveying his displeasure to the chiefs of the traffic police and the Provincial Disaster Management Authority for.
KARACHI: The Sindh government has decided to award the contract as per the rules, for the ‘improvement and lining’ of Kalri Baghar Feeder, an important component of the ‘K-4’.
Sindh caretaker chief minister Justice Maqbool Baqar on Thursday interacted with the leaders of 28 bar associations in the province during a meeting, listened to their issues and gave them a grant.