Tamil Nadu Rural Development Minister and senior DMK leader, I. Periyaswamy has got relief from a court in a case related to the alleged illegal allotment of Housing Board plots under the Mogappair Eri scheme.The Additional Special court for .
The Additional Special court for trial cases against MPs/ MLAs of Tamil Nadu acquitted Periyaswamy from the case booked against him. He was accused of allotting a high-income group plot to Ganeshan, the Personal Security Officer of then Chief Minister, M. Karunanidhi, an official said on Saturday.It w
The Additional Special court for trial cases against MPs/ MLAs of Tamil Nadu acquitted Periyaswamy from the case booked against him. He was accused of allotting a high-income group plot to Ganeshan, the Personal Security Officer of then Chief Minister, M. Karunanidhi, an official said on Saturday.It w