Quebec s human rights commission was forced to close 194 discrimination complaints following the Supreme Court of Canada s Mike Ward decision, commission leaders revealed Friday while presenting their activity report for the year 2021-2022.
Quebec will appeal a recent court decision restricting random roadside stops by police. The ruling was hailed by some as a positive step against racial profiling, but the province says it harms police work and doesn t address the root problem.
Quebec will appeal a recent court decision banning random roadside stops by police. The ruling was hailed by some as a positive step against racial profiling, but the province says it harms police work and doesn t address the root problem.
With a week to go, the federal government still hasn t decided whether or not it will appeal a decision that bans Quebec police officers from arbitrarily stopping vehicles after a judge ruled the practice leads to racial profiling.
It’s about time that the police practice of random stops was ended. Justice Yergeau’s decision is to be commended. Random stops are not acceptable in a free society. The judgment