June 2024 to issue a ruling. Chief Justice Roberts next in case 22842, National Rifle association of america v. Vullo mr. Cole . Mr. Cole mr. Chief justice, and may it please the court, gornment officials are free to urge people not to support Political Groups they oppose, buthey cannot use their regulatory might to add or else to that request. Respde vullo did justha not content to rely on the force of her ideas, she used the coercive power of her office. In february 2018 she told lloyds, the sunce underwriter, that she would go easy on its unrelated insurance violio if it aided her campaign to weaken the nra by halting all duesith the group. Llds agreed. Six wes ter she issued guidance letters and a press release directing the thousands of banks and Insurance Companies that she directly overse to t off their ties with the nra, not becae any alleged illegality, but because they promote guns. In the accpanying press release vullos boss and cofendant, governor andrew cuomo, said he dire
June 2024 to issue a ruling. Chief Justice Roberts next in case 22842, National Rifle association of america v. Vullo mr. Cole . Mr. Cole mr. Chief justice, and may it please the court, gornment officials are free to urge people not to support Political Groups they oppose, buthey cannot use their regulatory might to add or else to that request. Respde vullo did justha not content to rely on the force of her ideas, she used the coercive power of her office. In february 2018 she told lloyds, the sunce underwriter, that she would go easy on its unrelated insurance violio if it aided her campaign to weaken the nra by halting all duesith the group. Llds agreed. Six wes ter she issued guidance letters and a press release directing the thousands of banks and Insurance Companies that she directly overse to t off their ties with the nra, not becae any alleged illegality, but because they promote guns. In the accpanying press release vullos boss and cofendant, governor andrew cuomo, said he dire
Thought leaders, and pioneers. What has been most personally inspiring for me has been the role also civil rights leaders, whether its the fight for racial or gender equality or Marriage Equality or freedom from discrimination based on sexual ore general addition or gender identification, both have ensured that across all the fronts our country continues to honor its promise, equal justice for all. Justice ginsburg was nominated by president clinton as an associate justice of the Supreme Court, taking her cincinnati 1993. Prior to her appointment to the Supreme Court, she served from 1980 to 1983 on the bench of the United States court of appeals for the district columbia court. She was professor of law a at rutgers and Columbia Law School. She is also served on the fact can i of the seminar at american studies and the as spend institute for humanistic studies and is a visiting professor at many universities in the United States and abroad. In 1978 she was a fellow at ther in for advan
Good afternoon and welcome to the eighth annual tucson festival of books, one of the largest book festivals in the country. My name is ron barber. I am glad to see such a big crowd. Must be a lot of political junkies in the room. Raise your hand. I thought so. Me too. That is why i am glad to moderate. We want to thank cspan which is broadcasting this panel live. Also booktv and Cox Communications for sponsorship of the venue. The presentation will last about an hour. The last 15 or 20 minutes we will reserve for questions and answers from the panel. We ask you to hold your questions for the end and we will give that a full 20 minutes to your questions. Right after the session the panelists will be available to sign or autographed their books which will be on sale. Go to booth number 153 sponsored by the university of arizona bookstore. Books will be available in that location. If you want to meet the panelists, samara klar will do an interview with cspan following the session so she w