The appeal came up for hearing before a division bench of Chief Justice Raja and Justice Bharatha Chakraborty. At that time, they confirmed and ruled on the order of the single judge that Vishal should pay Rs. 15 crore to the court. If the amount is not paid, they ordered that any films produced by Vishal Film Factory should not be released in theaters and OTT sites.
Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud on Monday met delegations of the advocates' associations of Gujarat and Telangana that are opposing the Supreme Court collegium's recent transfer recommendations.
The five-member collegium recommended shifting the Madras High Court Acting Chief Justice T Raja to the Rajasthan High Court, while Justice Nikhil S Kariel and Justice A Abhishek Reddy have been proposed to be transferred to the Patna High Court.
In his address at a function organised by the Bar Council of India to felicitate him, the CJI said harmony and balance is crucial to maintaining the tranquility of our society and courts as institutions of governance in the country have a role to define that sense of harmony and balance.