The Calcutta High Court on Thursday directed West Bengal Chief Secretary, H.K. Dwivedi and state Finance Secretary, Manoj Pant to file affidavits on why contempt of court proceedings should not be initiated against them for not honouring its .
The Calcutta High Court on Thursday directed West Bengal Chief Secretary, H.K. Dwivedi and state Finance Secretary, Manoj Pant to file affidavits on why contempt of court proceedings should not be initiated against them for not honouring its judgement directing the state government to clear dearness allowance (DA) arrears to employees within three months. 📰 Dearness Allowance Arrear Case: Calcutta High Court Warns West Bengal Chief Secretary, Finance Secretary of Contempt.
Earlier on Thursday, a division bench of Justice Harish Tandon and Justice Rabindranath Samanta dismissed the state government s review petition to reconsider its May 20 judgement directing the state government to clear the pending DA arrears to the employees within three months. The deadline expired on August 19.Befo
The West Bengal government on Thursday received a major jolt as a division bench of the Calcutta High Court dismissed its review petition to reconsider an earlier judgement of the same bench directing the state government to clear the pending .
Earlier on Thursday, a division bench of Justice Harish Tandon and Justice Rabindranath Samanta dismissed the state government s review petition to reconsider its May 20 judgement directing the state government to clear the pending DA arrears to the employees within three months. The deadline expired on August 19.Befo