The Bombay High Court on Friday dismissed actor Kangana Ranaut’s plea seeking a stay on the proceedings of a defamation complaint filed against her by lyricist Javed Akhtar.
Justice P D Naik, on a single bench, stated that since the trial in Javed Akhtar s complaint had already started, Kangana Ranaut could not be granted the requested relief at this point. - Bombay High Court Dismisses Kangana Rananut s Plea Seeking Stay on Defamation Case Filed By Lyricist Javed Akhtar
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Bombay High Court on Friday dismissed actor Kangana Ranaut's plea seeking a stay on the proceedings of a defamation complaint filed against her by lyricist Javed Akhtar. India News | HC Dismisses Kangana Ranaut's Plea Seeking Stay on Javed Akhtar's Defamation Complaint Proceedings.
Bombay High Court on Friday dismissed actor Kangana Ranaut’s plea seeking a stay on the proceedings of a defamation complaint filed against her by Javed Akhtar