Kaieteur News (KN) Publisher, Glenn Lall has asked the High Court to make the final decision in at least five remaining libel suits former CEO of the National Industrial and Commercial Investment limited (NICIL), Winston Brassington had filed against the newspaper.
GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC –Two fishermen were sentenced to 25 years in jail after they were found guilty of manslaughter in the death of boat captain Mahadeo Ramdehol, during a piracy attack in 2017.
Georgetown, Guyana –A High Court judge has sentenced two fishermen to 25 years in jail after they were pleaded guilty of manslaughter in the death of boat captain, Mahadeo Ramdehol, during a piracy attack in 2017 Justice Navindra Singh on Monday imposed the sentence on Doodnauth Singh, 63, and Khemraj Narsayah, 44, who appeared at the Berbice High Court last month charged with murdering the boat captain, but opted to …
A Guyanese court handed down death sentences for two men found guilty of high seas piracy attacks that killed seven fishermen off the nation s coast in 2018, and authorities said they have broken the back of a deadly group that preyed on fishermen for years.