The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court today cleared the way for the High Court to hear and dispose of nearly 100 pending writ petitions involving imposition of 15 percent income tax on private universities
The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the full text of a verdict observed that none of the government organs, including the executive, can interfere with the Election Commission’s functions as the commission is independent under the constitution.
The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court today disposed of 13 appeals regarding the payments of VAT on spectrum and licence fees of mobile phone operators Grameenphone, Robi and Banglalink to Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).
The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court yesterday disposed of 13 appeals of mobile phone operators Grameenphone, Robi and Banglalink regarding some payments to Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), including VAT on spectrum and licence fees.