Deputy Collector Nisha Bangre’s resignation, tendered in June-end, hasn’t been accepted yet. Her plea is pending in court. With October 30 as the last date of nomination for Madhya Pradesh elections, time is running out for both Bangre and the Congress, which wants to field her from Amla
Deputy Collector Nisha Bangre started a 'Justice March' from Betul district in MP to Bhopal, was arrested in her quest to meet the chief minister, and is now aiming to give seasoned politicians a run for their money
Over 30,000 people marched down Sejong-daero street in central Seoul, Sept. 23, calling for climate justice. This was the 923 Climate Justice March, which comes on the heels of worldwide climate protests taking place in September, with millions rallying across the globe. The march was organized by Action for Climate Justice, a coalition of more than 600 civic, environment, labor, regional and trade union movements.
On Sept. 19, the U.N. secretary-general delivered his address to the 78th U.N. General Assembly in New York. The full speech is worth a read if you are concerned about “the most immediate threat to our future: our overheating planet” as the UNSG said.
The Student Experience Research Network sounds innocuous enough. The organization says it exists to "advance the research, relationships, and capacity necessary to build an education system in which every student experiences respect as a valued person and thinker."