Nirav Modi is facing a fraud and money laundering probe by the ED and CBI. The UK Court said that extraditing Nirav Modi won’t be unjust or oppressive.
The roadblock to extraditing fugitive diamond merchant Nirav Modi was removed after he lost an appeal in UK High Court. He will now face fraud and money laundering charges.
Fugitive diamond merchant Nirav Modi, who cheated Punjab National Bank (PNB) of over Rs 11,000 crore, is likely to be extradited soon to India from the UK.
The fugitive diamond merchant on Wednesday lost his appeal against extradition to India on mental health grounds as the High Court ruled that his risk of suicide is not such that it would be either unjust or oppressive to extradite him to face charges of fraud and money laundering
Fugitive diamond merchant Nirav Modi, who allegedly cheated Punjab National Bank (PNB) of over Rs 11,000 crore, is likely to be extradited soon to India from the UK as he lost his appeal in the High Court on Wednesday, reports said.