The Gujarat High Court single-judge bench of Justice Hemant M. Prachchhak held that the termination of services of Workmen without issuing any prior notice violates the principles of natural justice. .
In a pivotal hearing today, the Gujarat High Court while sternly addressing the escalating issue of cattle menace in the state, summoned key government officials, including the Gujarat police.
The Gujarat High Court issued a stern warning to local authorities on Wednesday, expressing deep concern over the rampant cattle menace in the State. A division bench comprising Justices Ashutosh.
SUPREME COURTCriminal Proceedings For Dowry Demand Cannot Be Quashed Merely Because Divorce Petition Is PendingCase Title: X vs State of Uttar Pradesh Case Citation: 2023 LiveLaw (SC) 26The Supreme.
Judgments/OrdersUAPA - Watali Precedent Won t Apply If Evidence Is Of Low Probative Value On Surface Level Analysis: Supreme CourtCase title: Vernon v. State of MaharashtraCitation: 2023 LiveLaw.