India News: The Karnataka High Court has said abusive words used against the Prime Minister was derogatory and irresponsible but it does not constitute sedition,
The Karnataka High Court last month quashing the proceedings initiated under Section 124-A (Sedition) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) against four persons belonging to the management of Shaheen School.
While the Karnataka High Court quashed the FIR filed over the staging of an anti-CAA play, it also emphasised that schools should refrain from teaching children to insult constitutional functionaries for policy decisions
Nominal IndexJameela And Sullia Afsa & Others. 2023 LiveLaw (Kar) 198Shivappa Bellad And Superintendent of Open Air Prison & Others. 2023 LiveLaw (Kar) 199Dr Vinod G Kulkarni And Ministry of Railways.