Georgetown University Law center. He has served in all three branches of government and hes argued, remember, the mb cases before the United States Supreme Court. So he brings a really ni,diversa book. The court during this era. Cliff also has worked with the Washington Post company and. He has gosh, youve written extensively in t media about Court Related issues and and other issues sow id like to welcome cliff stone. Well thank you so much, bill thank you. And thâ– ank u all for here. And i just want to say it is an honor and a pleasure for me to here, d as bill was saying, the publication date is the first officialb special place to have it and its so ny days researching at the wonder library here with, the very helpful perso and so its just terrific to be here. And i really appreciate it. We, thatlets just launch righ. As i was saying before, i think e this roosevelttime aligned themselveo perfectly World War Two and the personalities involved here to give a perfect natural framew
The adage that the Supreme Court follows the election returns certainly did not apply to the Four Horsemen — Willis Van Devanter, George Sutherland, James McReynolds and Pierce Butler. President
Justice Robert H. Jackson’s departure for Europe in September of 1945 to serve as chief prosecutor for the United States at the historic Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals annoyed