The Chhattisgarh high court has rejected all the bail applications, including Congress leader and Raipur Mayor’s brother Anwar Dhebar and state excise
The Court, therefore, dismissed the appeal filed by a husband challenging the June 28, 2019 order of a Family Court in Janjgir which had denied decree of divorce to him on grounds of cruelty.
our correspondentbilaspur, high court of chhattisgarh has issued a new roster of work, which will be effective from september 4. the allocation of cases will be allocated to seventeen different benches. three division benches, six s
The Chhattisgarh High Court recently observed that if a husband indulges in excessive drinking of alcohol instead of discharging his duties, it would amount to mental cruelty to his wife and family.
The bench opined that by such an allegation, the wife has 'assassinated' the character of her own mother-in-law and that the same cannot be side-lined to say that it was a spur of moment, but it was in raged situation.