Punch Newspapers
Published 2 May 2021
The first female Secretary to the Lagos State Government, Mrs Dorcas Taire, 80, speaks to GRACE EDEMA about her life journey and career
There were quite a number of newspaper adverts by successful men and women congratulating you on your 80th birthday celebration recently. Many of them described you as a mentor and a tutor. Were you surprised by that outpouring of love?
I’m still puzzled up till now as to how I can get all their contacts to reach out to every one of them. I’m amazed they came up with all the newspapers adverts – the trouble and the expenses. I’m really overwhelmed by their gestures. All I know is that in those days we worked together as one team. Everybody tried their best to do their bit. In the end, I want to believe, we achieved something for the state and particularly for the public service. We were proud of the public service that we had in Lagos State. We had a good heritage left by our bosses then;