It might seem strange to see a headline stating that the U.S. attorney general has stopped the Justice Department from robbing the public, but that is exactly what Attorney General Jeff Sessions just did.
declassification. i do believe that if the american people could see what i ve seen, i believe they would be calling their senator and urging their senator to vote against the nominee. the confirmation hearing is expected to put the justice department approved program under fresh scrutiny. john brennan was one of the program s key decision makers and he still got senate confirmation, haspel was a mid-level manager with no say on policy. it seems like we re making gina haspel here to a much stricter standard around this program than john brennan was held to account for. i don t know if that s because of political is enchantment with president trump. rand paul who came out as an early opponent has been silent this week on whether he will meet her. julie: the morning has come.
out, i think there really is a prospect of this setting a very ominous precedent. if this is allowed to go forwar forward, as what i call it a secret confirmation process, it sure as heck won t be the last. the senate intelligence committee is expected to put the justice department approved program and other senior al qaeda operatives under fresh brewed tea. the democrat request for more records is unreasonable, according to democrats. i know that some have requested documents that deal with covert actions that will be made public and declassified, but that has never happened in the history of the cia, and it s not going to happen with gina