Decisions in which the courts usurp the authority of the people arenot merely incorrect; they are themselves unconstitutional. If wedo not have a federal marriage amendment, then marriage will erodequickly by judicial imposition or by the gradual integration intothe formal and informal institutions of society of same-sexcouples.
For the weekly devotionals and forums during the 2023 winter semester, select BYU employees, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and industry experts will bring their industry knowledge, life experiences and spiritual insights to aid students in achieving BYU's aims.
BYU President Kevin J Worthen and his wife, Peggy, kick off the semester this fall. The following weeks' speakers include leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU employees and industry leaders and thinkers.
In the 22 years since she worked for Justice Stephen G. Breyer, whom she replaced last month, the court has become polarized and predictably conservative.