Thank goodness for my glorious daily walk
Once, I lived for parties, travel and visits to family and friends. Now, the prospect of a stroll is what gets me up in the morning
13 January 2021 • 7:00pm
I’m a great believer in the carrot, rather than stick, approach to life. We humans crave incentives to lure us through the day’s tasks. But it’s fascinating to note how the whole notion of self-reward has evolved throughout the past year. If you’d polled the population on their preferred treats last year, the answers would have been as countless as pebbles on the beach. Now I’d stake a tenner most of us would rate our daily stroll as life’s top recompense. In a world where most activities are restricted, a walk represents both a vital expression of liberty and an avenue of pure delight. The miles we used to cover by trains, planes and automobiles are condensed within a small frame where we feast on every detail.